One of the most enjoyable tasks for the Hope Project team, is to gather stories and reflections of hope. In this process we often get to talk to those involved to learn more to share with you. The items you find in this collection are an eclectic collection, from music to articles, stories and more – all designed to encourage you and help you to consider what hope looks like from many, many different angles.
REVEREND CHARLES DOBSON was awarded the Military Cross for ‘acts of gallantry in the field’. He passed away in 1930, aged 44. We remember him.
REVEREND CLARENCE SETON was award the Military Cross for his courage and conduct whilst serving with the NZ Rifle Brigade, 1st Battalion in France. We remember him.
REVEREND ALWYN WARREN was award the Military Cross for a continuously fine example of cheerfulness under fire and devotion to duty. He went on to serve as a Vicar and then as the Bishop in Christchurch. We remember him.
CHAPLAIN HAROLD HARDING was awarded the MBE, with special note made of his service in Italy and his courage under fire. We remember him.
REVEREND JOHN SOMERVILLE was awarded the Military Cross for his influence on the men in trying circumstances. He passed away, back in New Zealand, 5th October 1999 aged 89. We remember him.
FATHER PATRICK DORE participated in the Chunuk Bair offensive in 1915. Back in New Zealand, he suffered from his wounds for nearly 3 years before he died in July 1918, aged 33. He was awarded the Military Cross for notable acts of courage at Gallipoli. We remember him.
REVEREND GUY BRYAN-BROWN died in action at the age of just 32, while he was helping the wounded at an Advanced Dressing Station. We remember his story.
FATHER JAMES McMENAMIN was respected for his tireless courage and willingness to do whatever was needed to serve and help the men. He died i action at the age of 43, whilst burying the dead on a battlefield. We remember his story.
REVEREND GEORGE SPENSE was awarded the Military Cross for his bravery and devotion to duty throughout the military campaign in Greece, Crete, Libya and Egypt.
REV WILLIAM GRANT – With the outbreak of WW1, despite being in his fifties and too old to be a soldier… William Grant’s care for others saw him leave the safety of home and family to enlist.
CHAPLAIN JESSE KINGAN was awarded the Military Cross in World War Two for serving with valour and distinction until he was seriously wounded.
PADRE JOHN WATSON was awarded the Military Cross in recognition of his heroism in World War II. Here is a short piece of his story.
GRACE'S STORY. In collecting stories of 'hope', we sometimes encounter people who've battled through more than their fair share of challenges. And it's often these stories that bring the greatest encouragement.
Grace has such a story - survival through self-harm, depression, job loss and heart break.
Grace has such a story - survival through self-harm, depression, job loss and heart break.
MAREE’S STORY. Here at the Hope Project, we discover some consistent truths. One such truth, is that the hope-filled people we find today have endured great difficulties in their past. There’s something about journeying through tragedy that builds endurance – if ‘hope’ is tightly held along the way.
Maree’s story, as presented here, is largely told in her own words, with some outtakes of our own towards the end.
Maree’s story, as presented here, is largely told in her own words, with some outtakes of our own towards the end.
I LIKE: BIKE. When a refugee family had their bike stolen, a family across town asked themselves… what are we going to do about this?
I LIKE: BUGSHELLS. How can bugshells and discarded cans be turned into clean drinking water for those who don't have any? See how two young girls set about doing exactly that, and to make a difference in the lives of others.
I LIKE: FAST CARS. When cancer strikes kids, it breaks our hearts. With everything that's medically possible already being done, some people have decided to help in other quite unique ways, through joyful experiences at a time of great trial.
I LIKE: SOCCER BALLS. How can soccer balls bring hope to kids in Africa? And how might one boy, with the help of his family, bring positive change to hundreds of children?
I LIKE: GARBAGE, GROCERIES & RENT. Giving to strangers can create a ripple effect… a ripple effect through people, not water.
BLESSED NOT A BURDEN. Meet Josh and Heather, a young couple who opened their lives to a special needs child. What they experienced brought hope and fulfillment to them all.
GABRIEL HOUSE. Just knowing that there are places in this world like Gabriel House, reminds us that there are some who give unconditional love to those in greatest need… the purest expression of an ethos that says "people matter".
FALLEN BY NOT FORGOTTEN. When a young mother lost her husband to suicide, life was turned upside down. Counseling on how to cope with deep grief, for herself and her young son, paved the way to discover a hope they really didn't think they could have.
SEVENLY FACEBOOK STORY. An American boy born with club-feet, had corrective surgery to help him lead a normal life. But he retained a special empathy for others born with such deformities in countries without access to life changing surgery. Which is where 'Sevenly' came in… to help fund procedures in places such as Africa.
HUG IT OUT. We dare you to watch this video without either smiling or tapping your foot. And if you do, we challenge you to do what the video says!
THE STARVING ARTISTS PROJECT. Held in New York city, this initiative aimed to give hope and encouragement to many of homeless people in their community. In this case, by acknowledging their creativity.
I LIKE: CAR. Kathryn's hip had been badly broken when she was younger, which meant that walking was not easy for her. In order to keep her life ticking over, she needed a car and had been saving towards getting one. But a day came when she gave all she had to a widow in need… what followed will truly inspire you.
I LIKE: BEING 98. Evelyn is nearly 98 years old. But she didn't allow this to stop her from helping out a friend in need. She has some strongly held views about contributing to society, views that will delight and challenge you.
FREE HUGS. This video shows what one person can do, with nothing more than a sign and a warm heart towards others.
I LIKE: MY DAD. When a son learns that his Dad has Parkinson's disease, he found that their relationship changed… for the better. When someone close to us is going through adversity, it always asks questions of us - see how this father/son story plays out.
THE STREET STORE. This clever idea was born out of a willingness to offer assistance with dignity to the homeless in South Africa. And to also bring hope and encouragement along the way. Then, the idea went global!
I LIKE: WEDDING RING. We look for love, but we often fill our hearts with material things. Ali shares her journey of finding real value in generosity.
MEET NICK VUJICIC. Born without arms or legs, Nick has learned how living life a certain way can help break through perceived barriers.
BARNABY'S STORY. People who are involved in Neonatal care are at the sharp-end of things for babies who are born too sick of too soon. Barnaby's story is one Mother's tribute to them, and an acknowledgment of the hope they've brought to their family.
I LIKE: ORGAN DONORS When Holly's liver failed, her life came to an immediate halt. But one man's generosity saved her and opened a whole new future.
THE WORLD'S TOUGHEST JOB. These recordings take us through a fake job interview, on track to inviting us to appreciate a rather special person in our lives.
DAN'S COFFEE RUN. Sometimes hope can come in the form of a cup of coffee. Every Thursday Dan Dewey, for the past ten years, has visited the staff and patients at the Michigan Cancer Institute, and buys them all a coffee.
Jenny & Tyler are a husband-wife singer-songwriters based in Nashville, Tennessee. Their style is described as a fusion of folk, pop, funk, rock, soul, and bluegrass that has been called 'soul-grass' by some. READ MORE
Jenny & Tyler are a husband-wife singer-songwriters based in Nashville, Tennessee. Their style is described as a fusion of folk, pop, funk, rock, soul, and bluegrass that has been called 'soul-grass' by some. READ MORE
Every now and then we'll see something in the media that highlights people helping others in a selfless, generous way that brings hope and encouragement. We thought the actions of this supermarket check-out person was worthy of sharing.
The word 'Hallelujah' is an expression of worship or rejoicing. The song by this name, written by Canadian recording artist Leonard Cohen, has been covered by many vocalists over the years and seems to take on different reflections depending on the artist's vocal performance and arrangement.
We think that this rendition by Renee Coffey, a local Kiwi singer, brings the song back to reflect the meaning in its title.
We think that this rendition by Renee Coffey, a local Kiwi singer, brings the song back to reflect the meaning in its title.